Today’s Plantbased, Not Perfect podcast episode is all about the many benefits of incorporating green smoothies as much as possible into your life. Green smoothies are such a simple and inexpensive way to help your digestion, amp up your beauty, as well as fight inflammation and disease. I am answering all of your questions I have received about the Lean Green Smoothie with information, tips and insight on if you have allergies, digestive issues and everything in between.
Why a Green Smoothie?
What I put in my Lean Green Smoothie?
What I DON’T put in it and why
Answering all of your Smoothie Qs from IG
How I Shop for my smoothie weekly, what to buy and how much
Smoothies vs. Juices
Breaking down the research on Lectins. Villain or Longevity Food? Answers on the podcast.
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