Episode 49. Health Implications of Seafood

May 19, 2020

Today’s Plantbased, Not Perfect podcast episode is focused on seafood and you might be surprised what I have to share. From its health benefits to potential negative side effects, we have an honest conversation about how to fit seafood into a plantbased, not perfect diet if you want to, along with alternatives if you don’t.

Episode 49. Health Implications of Seafood

Today’s podcast episode is focused on seafood and you might be surprised what I have to share. From its health benefits to potential negative side effects, we have an honest conversation about how to fit seafood into a plantbased not perfect diet if you want to, along with alternatives if you don’t.

Alkaline vs. Acidic
Health Benefits
Toxins & Pollutants
Fish Highest + Lowest in heavy metals
Plantbased Omega 3s
How to Prepare Seafood to avoid toxins
How to naturally excrete heavy metals 
Food Combining Tips / Digestion
Algae Supplements
The Blue Zones

SKINCARE STUDY // Why you want Niacinamide in your skincare

Skincare Products Mentioned with Niacinamide: EltaMD Clear 46 Sunscreen, Naturium Vitamin C & Cerave PM Moisturizer

Sources cited:

Fish: Friend or Foe?

Fish is a very important part of a healthy diet. Fish and other seafood are the major sources of healthful long-chain omega-3 fats and are also rich in other nutrients such as vitamin D and selenium, high in protein, and low in saturated fat.

Autoimmune Answers

If you or someone you love have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, chances are you’ve been told that your body is attacking itself. Hearing this probably stripped you of hope that you can heal and left you feeling betrayed by your own body.

How Seafood Can Impact Brain Development | NutritionFacts.org

In my video Fish Intake Associated With Brain Shrinkage, I discussed evidence suggesting that mercury exposure through fish intake during pregnancy may decrease the size of the newborn’s brain. However, just because fish-eating mothers may give birth to children with smaller brains doesn’t necessarily mean their

The Purported Benefits of Eating Fish | NutritionFacts.org

In the landmark Global Burden of Disease study, researchers compiled the top 20 causes of death and disability. Number one on the list was high blood pressure, two and three was smoke, and the fourth leading cause of loss of life and health was not eating enough fruit.

Food Guidelines – Blue Zones

These 11 simple guidelines reflect how the world’s longest-lived people ate for most of their lives. We make it easy to eat like the healthiest people in the world with the Blue Zones Meal Planner, where you’ll find thousands of recipes that follow these guidelines while making plant-slant food delicious […]

Shellfish: Types, Nutrition, Benefits, and Dangers

Shellfish have been eaten all over the world for centuries. They’re rich in lean protein, healthy fats, and minerals. Regularly eating shellfish may boost your immunity, aid weight loss, and promote brain and heart health. However, shellfish are one of the most common food allergens, and some types may contain contaminants and heavy metals.

Niacinamide: A B vitamin that improves aging facial skin appearance – PubMed

Background: In multiple chronic clinical studies, topical niacinamide (vitamin B3) has been observed to be well tolerated by skin and to provide a broad array of improvements in the appearance of aging facial skin (eg, reduction in the appearance of hyperpigmentated spots and red blotchiness).