Vegan “Pantry” Chili Recipe

March 16, 2020

During this time of social distancing and staying in, it’s handy to have some healthy plantbased recipes that you can make from staple ingredients like beans and lentils, mixed with any fresh vegetables you can find. This recipe makes a ton to help get you through the week while at home if you don’t mind leftovers.

Dice 1 yellow onion, 3 – 4 carrots and 3 stalks of celery, mince 2 cloves of garlic.

Add onions and garlic to large soup pot with 1tbsp olive oil to sauté first, once browned add the carrots and celery in. Add spices: we used 1 tsp paprika, 1tbsp chili powder, 1tsp cumin.

Dump in your beans of choice that you have in your pantry: we used pinto beans, black beans and lentils. We also added in some frozen corn we had in our freezer.

Add 1 box of veggie broth (or 4 cups) + 1 15oz can of diced tomatoes + 1 6oz can of tomato paste.

Bring to a boil and let simmer until everything is cooked through. We started this early in the day so it had a lot of time to sit in its own juices which always leads to the best taste.

I feel like with chili you can add in anything really so get creative with what you have on hand. You could do quinoa vs. lentils, add zucchini or peppers, try any beans that you happen to have (we’ve even put in chickpeas). Make this recipe yours with what you have. Cooking can be meditative and gives you an activity to do while at home, while also providing us with fiber and nutrients from the beans and veggies which is a great way to keep our immune systems boosted. Let me know if you make this recipe and leave me a comment below with any questions you have. xx, Elizabeth