Plantbased, Not Perfect Podcast

June 12, 2019

I am so excited to announce that I have launched a podcast! It is called “Plantbased, Not Perfect” and you can listen to it on iTunes, spotify, Google Play and Stitcher. If you dont have access to them on your phone, you can also listen to the episodes online at

When we were in Australia last month I had downloaded a bunch of podcasts for the long flight over and I have to admit, I was a little disappointed with the conversations on the ones I had prepped. I was also getting annoyed with listening to interviews with the same people over and over again, not to mention content that wasn’t given full thought or attention.

Seeing this gap in the podcast space sparked the interest in me to maybe try to create my own. One of the nights on our trip, my husband and I were drinking wine, hanging out on our balcony and I was going off about this topic and the idea was truly born. I madly wrote up in my iPhone notes all the topics I wanted to cover and podcast names I could use. This became the theme of our Australia trip – naming the podcast.

When we returned home from our trip the first thing I did was research the best microphone and order it off Amazon. Once it arrived two days later I knew I had to just start somewhere. So I taught myself how to hook up the microphone and record, what software to use and just took the leap! Now I have released six podcast episodes and have gotten such amazing feedback in the first few weeks that I cannot wait to share more and help you live your healthiest life possible.

I chose the name “Plantbased, Not Perfect” because it really summarizes my mentality and philosophy towards living as healthy and plantbased as possible, but also keeps it REAL. We arent perfect every day. Sometimes you get drunk and eat a piece of cheese pizza or five. I am not perfect and sometimes I feel like all the labels out there make us be too hard on ourselves, or we give up when we eat something that isn’t “perfect” on some magical list of things and go back to eating the SAD (standard american diet).

I want to get past that place of perfection, judgment towards each other and general “boxes” we get put in (or put ourselves in) and open the conversation to help inspire and motivate others to keep working on themselves to try to be as healthy as possible, but not being so hard on themselves at the same time.

And this effects all topics – we are all striving to be our healthiest, fittest, cleanest selves but life gets in the way sometimes so we are NOT perfect and that’s ok. Whether it is beauty products, cleaning products, work life, love life, finances – I want to discuss all the topics that might be a little uncomfortable or not talked about widely. I feel like there are many podcasts that are strictly “vegan” or “ket0” – but who is really living in the middle? Moi. And if you are feeling that too come and take a listen. And don’t forget to rate and review if you enjoy it!