the best non toxic self tanners

April 12, 2023

One of the most requested questions I get on Instagram is on my favorite non toxic self tanners so I wanted to share the top ones in my rotation currently.

TAN LUXE Water | Vita Liberata Mousse | Beauty by Earth Lotion

For an every day tan during the work week I like Tan Luxe The Water or the Beauty by Earth lotion for a light – medium tan. The lotion is gradual and builds with time, so it is better to extend a tan you already have and I like that it is a lotion you can use after showering with just your hands. If I know I have an event during the week I will use the Water the night before with a mitt, it doesn’t transfer when you sleep and dries quickly which is nice.

If I want a darker tan the night before an event like a wedding I will go with the Vita Liberata Mousse on a mitt and sleep in it for the night before showering the next day. Then you can add the lotion the next day to help lock it in to set and extend the tan. For my face I use a little mousse on a mitt after my skincare. x