For awhile I felt like we were making a lot of vegan recipes that either had a lot of steps or ingredients that are processed (vegan mayo, etc). So we decided to take a little break and just focus on eating whole plantbased foods in their most natural forms – so straight fruit and veggies all day errday. Not only does this cut down on your time in the kitchen, but eating this way is so great for your digestion and feeds your cells with the vitamins and nutrients you need to receive.
For breakfast I was having oatmeal every morning, but it is processed so this summer I have been eating a ton of watermelon for breakfast instead. Mono meals like this are great for your digestion in the morning and start you off hydrated for the day. You could do this with any one fruit (melons, bananas, mangoes) and is also great for lunch or snacks. Fruit meals pass through your digestive tract easily and quickly, so if you have bloating or digestive issues I would recommend incorporating mono meals.
Last week for lunch I made veggie sandwiches every day on a 4 ingredient sourdough bread from our Farmer’s Market, but again wanted to stop eating anything processed this week so I switched to huge greek salads (minus the feta). For dressing I squeeze lemon juice, add some rice wine vinegar and tons of oregano. Another easy lunch for this week is going to be just black beans with avocado on top. I don’t eat a ton of avocado as I lean towards HCLF, but I will have half of an avocado to top this “soup”.
Dinner has been super simple this month and I love it because I really dislike the kitchen. I just do not enjoy cooking or spending time slaving over a meal. That is just not fun for me, sorry not sorry. Instead we have been doing veggie one-pot soups or huge salads with some roasted potatoes thrown on. The only processed thing we do have on our salads is Annie’s Goddess dressing, but taste it and you’ll see that it is worth it! #obsessed
For snacks I have fresh fruit, dried figs, veggies with hummus, date bites or smoothies. I was eating flax crackers with hummus but it effected my stomach so I stopped having it. I think the combo of seeds with the beans in hummus just doesn’t work well for me. On weekends we have more time on our hands so we will make fresh smoothies, smoothie bowls and acai bowls (I use straight oats vs. granola to cut down on sugars).
At night I have been having Hibiscus Tea to up my antioxidant levels, read all about its amazing benefits here. My husband has a sweet tooth and has been loving the So Delicious Dairy Free Ice Cream in Snickerdoodle. I’ll have a bite or two too as it is pretty amazing – remember, plantbased not perfect.