My (Work Week) Morning Routine.

July 1, 2018
I don’t know about you, but I love reading other people’s morning routines or listening to them on podcasts so I thought it would be fun to share mine. I definitely have a different morning routine during the work week vs. the weekend so I am going to break them out as separate posts. Here is a look at my work week morning routine. Get ready – this isn’t your typical lemon water/meditation routine – in fact, I don’t do either of those things. I wake up around 7:10 and leave my house at 8 to get to work on time, so I don’t give myself a ton of time in the morning. I am just not a morning person, no matter how early I go to bed or what I do, it isn’t happening so I have just accepted it. I workout, shower and wash my hair at night instead of in the morning which helps to maximize my time in the a.m. I try to remember to drink lemon water first thing but I don’t always, I personally don’t see a difference when I do so I’m still on the fence about this but I do not have digestive issues so maybe that is why I don’t see any differences. We have a huge window in our bathroom in our shower so it lets in a lot of light and you can see the sun coming up behind the palm trees in the morning. Something about this makes me really happy. I like to stretch in front of the window in the bathroom by hanging my head over my knees for a minute and let the blood rush to my face, which also makes me look more alive. Lately I have been washing my face with Acure cleanser and then moisturizing with Acure. I am loving all of their products as they are super clean, and I buy all of mine at TJ Maxx where they are much cheaper than online. Those are the only two products I use before putting on my makeup for work. If my husband is off that day he will make us coffee or if he is at work already I will make one Nespresso pod of coffee with some kind of DIY mylk – I quickly blend either hemp seeds, oats or whatever nuts we have with water and dates to make some mylk. I used to think making your own milk was such a production but now I find it fun. I like to drink my coffee while doing my makeup and listening to soothing music or a podcast – this time is like a mini meditation for me because I zone out when I am doing this. I really like routines so this process each day calms me. I do not have cable so I do not watch the news, check the news on my phone or even the weather for that matter. When I walk out of my house I walk into the world with a fresh mind not cluttered by noise of any kind. I also make a point to not look at Instagram or check my emails. I used to check my work email in the morning and it was giving me some anxiety so I decided to stop doing this. If a client has an emergency they can text or call me. Once I am done with my makeup, which takes me about 20 minutes, I go to the kitchen and get my food ready for work, set aside my snacks and lunch if I am not coming home during the day. If I am coming home on my lunch then I only bring breakfast and one snack to get me through to lunch. I do not plan my meals the night before because I typically eat very simple foods you can just throw into a bag in the morning, nothing elaborate. Read What I Eat here. For awhile I was making smoothies every morning, but it got cold and I started fasting longer in the morning so instead of making myself drink a smoothie at 8am while driving, now I am not having anything until at least 9am when I am at work, sometimes later if things get crazy, just listening to my body on when I am actually hungry. Much like the lemon water, I do what feels best for ME. Personally, lemon water in the morning and a smoothie don’t make me feel any different so I don’t focus on them during the weekdays when I am shorter on time. Do what works for you. Driving to work I almost always listen to a podcast. I love to learn and am hungry for knowledge on all topics, however, I don’t just listen to vegan and food topics. I don’t want to only listen to people who have the same opinion as myself, I like to hear people challenge my ideas and take with it what I want. Still haven’t changed my mind on living a plantbased lifestyle so obviously their arguments aren’t strong enough! My favorite podcasts are: The Skinny Confidential, The Balanced Blonde, Mind Body Green, The Life Stylist Podcast, Food Heals, Goop and I recently discovered Live Planted. I get asked a lot how I stay motivated to be so healthy and being in a state of constant learning is one of my top tips. Learning about wellness reinforces what I already believe, introduces me to new people and ideas – it is just amazing and has opened up my world and mind beyond measure. If I had to say one thing I wished everyone would incorporate into their daily lives it would be listening to podcasts. Game changer. So that’s a detailed look at my typical work day morning routine, nothing fancy here but wanted to share what I do step-by-step. If you have any questions on anything I shared here, put it in the comments below. Next up I will share my weekend morning routine which is totally different than my week routine. xx, Beth  

Great post! I’ve been following you on Instagram for a little while now, and you inspire me daily!

Aw thank you so much! Let me know any other topics you might be interested in. xx, Beth


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