Vegan Banana Bars

January 30, 2023

These vegan banana bars are just five ingredients, super simple to make and the perfect sweet treat when you are craving dessert. Similar to a snickers, but without the refined sugar, additives and multitude of ingredients.

Slice 3 bananas lengthwise, then in half. Lay the pieces out on a parchment-lined cookie sheet.

Spread nut butter of choice on each bar (I used peanut butter)

Sprinkle a handful of nuts on the bars (I put peanuts in a bag, then smashed them to smaller bits)

Break one large pitted date into pieces and sprinkle on the bars for a caramel layer

Warm up 1/4 cacao dark chocolate chips or vegan choc chips until melted (can do on the stove or in microwave), drizzle it over each bar to your liking.

Pop the bars in the freezer for 1 – 2 hours, then enjoy soon after. These don’t stay well in the freezer as they get too frozen*

This recipe makes 9 banana bars