How Food Affects Autism, Listening to Your Intuition and the Power of Nutrition to Heal with Elemental Superfood Founder, Nicole Anderson-James

May 22, 2023

In today’s episode I chat with Elemental Superfood founder Nicole Anderson-James. From an unhealthy childhood – to discovering the power of nutrition to help heal her daughter from food allergies and autism – Nicole shares her journey from creating raw desserts in LA to building a superfood bar business. We discuss autism and how food affects symptoms, especially refined sugar, healing through whole foods and the gut health connection, chronic ear infections and dairy.

Nicole talks about listening to your intuition, her experience and opinion on childhood vaccinations and autism, how she eats today after everything she learned and the journey to creating a truly whole foods “bar” for her daughter. We talk about starting a business, not compromising your principles and staying true to your purpose, advice for those wanting to start a company, resources that helped her along the way, the power of meditation, plus detox protocols, supplements and advice for anyone dealing with autism or any health issues.

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#185. How Food Affects Autism, Listening to Your Intuition and the Power of Nutrition to Heal with Elemental Superfood Founder, Nicole Anderson-James

In today’s episode I chat with Elemental Superfood founder Nicole Anderson-James. From an unhealthy childhood – to discovering the power of nutrition to help heal her daughter from food allergies and autism – Nicole shares her journey from creating raw desserts in LA to building a superfood bar business.

mentioned in the episode: The Specific Carbohydrate Diet Book

Learn more at, follow on IG @elementalsuperfood


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